Go Red for Women
Personal Fundraising Page for Cindy Adams
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Fundraising Amount=$1,225.00 ; Goal=$500.00
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Throughout my time volunteering on behalf of the American Heart Association, I am often posed with the question of “Why?”   Why is this cause important?  Why should we invest our time and money? Why do they work so hard to save and improve lives? Well, Bailey is my “Why”.

You may remember my niece, Bailey, who spoke at the Go Red For Women Luncheon a few years ago. Bailey was born with critical aortic stenosis and I remember asking her surgeon about her long term prognosis.  He told me that he really couldn’t say because just 10 years before, 90% of the babies born with her condition didn’t survive.  There was no long term survival data on which to base predictions.

But because of technological and surgical advances brought to bear by research made possible by support of countless donors, Bailey’s outcome was good.  Bailey just celebrated her 1st wedding anniversary this past October and is loving life as a new wife and mother of two wonderful puppies.

Additionally, as a cardiovascular nurse practitioner specializing in heart failure for so many years, I saw countless patients who were able to live longer and better lives because of important discoveries in heart failure care, again made possible by research funding like that made available by the American Heart Association.

So Bailey and many patients I have been blessed to provide care for are my collective 'Why'.

I’m excited to Co-Chair the American Heart Association’s Go Red For Women movement this year. Please join me in supporting a cause that is impacting so many future generations – Go Red For Women.

Thank you,


Donors and Comments

Cheri Daniels  pledged to give  2/2/2017