Meet Our Leaders

Leadership Committee

Vicki Perry, Event Chair
President and CEO
ADVANTAGE Health Solutions

Julie Carmichael
President and CEO
Suburban Health Organization

Elizabeth Cisco
System Marketing Executive
St.Vincent Health

Nancy Clifton-Cripe
Public Affairs Specialist

Donna Craig
VP of Network Management
United Healthcare

Susie Cummins
Staff Vice President
Express Scripts

Greg Fox
Staff Vice President

Julie Griffith
Vice President
Duke Energy

Becky Jacobson
Vice President
St.Vincent Heart Center of Indiana

Tonya Maxey-Fuller
Staff Vice President

Fred McClaine
Executive Vice President
Brown & Brown

Leslie Ray

Regina Sharrow
Baker & Daniels

Shelly Sondgerath
Sales Executive
Brown & Brown

Dawn Tabler

Barbara Tully
Vice President
Fifth Third Bank

Mary Weiss
President and CEO
Indianapolis Woman/Weiss Communications

Message From Nancy Brown

for position only

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Indianapolis Go Red for Women!  We’re delighted you want to learn how you can advance health, stop heart disease and save women’s lives. That’s what Go Red For Women is all about.

Heart disease isn’t just a man’s problem. It’s a woman’s problem, too. In fact, it’s women’s No. 1 killer. And, tragically, far too few women realize their risk from this often-preventable disease. We need to raise women’s awareness, to protect our mothers, daughters, sisters, friends and other loved ones. And ourselves.

You can help, starting today. Here’s how:

First, take charge of your own heart health. Visit your doctor. Know your numbers (learn more at You can improve your blood pressure, cholesterol and other numbers by making lifestyle changes. You’ll be healthier and look and feel better, too.

Second, speak up. Help spread the word that heart disease is women’s No. 1 killer. You can make a difference. Choose to share what you learn today with your family and members of your community.

Third and last, consider making a contribution. Your donation will help fund local and national Go Red activities to support awareness, research, education and community programs to benefit women.

Please don’t leave today without committing to make a difference. Join the Go Red For Women movement — women need your help. There’s so much to do, and so much at stake. Only one in five women believes that heart disease is her greatest health threat. Reducing risk and preventing heart disease starts with education — and you.

By working together, we can help women and their families live longer, stronger lives. Thank you for your generous support.

Warm regards,

Nancy Brown
Chief Executive Officer
American Heart Association




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Macys sponsors Go RedMerck sponsors Go Red

locally sponsored by

Heart to Heart Sponsor